Monday, March 2, 2009


It seems that when writing a blog on the internet either one of two things will happen. Either you set out with no particular topic and one developes organically over time, or you set out on a particular topic and it developes into something more. Over the months it seems that this blog was beginning to develope a split-personality, and had strayed slightly from the original core focus on alcohol law issues. So for increased clarity I've placed the past posts on homebrewing, our local/organic CSA, and things like Florida's habit of raining iguanas on a new blog: Updates will continue on both, and they will of course be crosslinked with a blogroll in the left column.

Ok, administrative issues over, time for a new post.

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The Twentyfirst Amendment Meets the 21st Century by Russell Hews Everett is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. The opinions expressed on this page are purely my own, and should not be taken to constitute legal representation or advice.